One of the things that I've learned working with college students over the past 16 years is how often they are ahead of the rest of the culture and the rest of the world. In…
Black smoke = No Pope
So by now you've probably heard there was not an election of a new Pope today. Not that any of us really expected it that first (although standing in the cold and rain for four…
We were up nice and early today... Left the hotel at 7:15 for a ten o'clock Mass (remember that next time your running late to Mass). By the time we got there , about 10…
Monday in Roma
What a whirlwind of a day. We started the day with another amazing Mass location at St. John Lateran, followed by climbing the Scala Sacra (the steps Jesus was condemned to death on by Pontius…
Moved to tears at the Basilica of St.…
So how do you "top" celebrating Mass in a place where our ancient brothers and sisters celebrated the Eucharist, were martyred and buried (yesterday's post on Mass in the Catacombs). How about Mass in the…
View from the dome
Here are some spectacular sights from the top of the dome of St Peters Basilica
Sunday in Roma…
Well that was a whirlwind and a half. We started at the Coliseum and the Roman Forum... Took a 30 minute ride to catch a glimpse of Cardinal Dolan at his last public Mass before…
Mass in the Catacombs
How to even describe celebrating the same Eucharist that our ancient brothers and sisters did thousands of years the place where they were martyred, buried, and despite that persecution, still gathered to share the…
Meeting the next Pope?
So we learned that all the Cardinals were celebrating Sunday Mass in their titular Roman Church (each Cardinal from around the world has their own Parish in the City of Rome). So we raced through…