Have you ever noticed how the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, celebrated each December 8th, sometimes creates a bit of confusion? With Christmas approaching and today's Gospel reading about the angel Gabriel visiting Mary, we…
Chiesa s luigi
The Church of St. Louis. Which has beautiful artwork by Carvaggio, including the call of st matthew (which I'm not supposed to take pics of, hence the bad shots!)
Piazza Navona – Chiesa Di St Agnes
The entry way to the piazza The Church of St Agnes. A 12 year old martyred for the faith in the early 300's for refusing to give into the lustful desires of the emperor wanting…
One of the oldest buildings that continues to be in use from the 100's. originally dedicated to any god - you could worship whomever you wanted (how relativistic) it is now one of the oldest…
Missa e Chiesa Di St Agnese
More of St Agnes
Chiesa de Gesu
The Church where St. Ignacio's of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, is entombed
So this morning before the pilgrims arrived joining us for the pilgrimage this week in Rome, Lino and I went to St. Peter's to pray and take a stroll around the plaza (in what is…