Some last sights before I go….

It really does seem inconceivable that a week has gone by and all that has occurred this week.   Last night was a great evening with all our fellow pilgrims (after another amazing meal... the food…


So this morning, Pope Francis made his first visit outside of the Vatican to the Basilica of St. Mary Major to pray to the Mother of God, the protector of the Roman people. It's an…

A New Holy Father

Now that I've caught my breath a bit - it's still somewhat unreal that 16 hours ago we met the new Pope - or rather, our new Holy Father Francis.It's amazing to me how "right"…


Simply overwhelmed. I have never experienced something like this and Right now it's just streams of consciousness- the square of St.Peters Basilica, filled 3 times for 3 hours each time with tens of thousands (and…


HABEMUS PAPUMPope Francis: his first words Brothers and sisters good evening. You all know that the duty of the Conclave was to give a bishop to Rome. It seems that my brother Cardinals have gone…

Second black smoke.

Well that was disappointing... We had front row spots, perfect location for the new Pope to come out of the balcony and ... BLACK SMOKE The bizarre thing was the number of media outlets that…

Black smoke = No Pope

So by now you've probably heard there was not an election of a new Pope today. Not that any of us really expected it that first (although standing in the cold and rain for four…