2020 was a year of unprecedented, unexpected things that we all encountered - most of which we probably would like to erase forever from our minds. But a handful of life-changing gifts have reminded me…
UPDATE – Incident at Newman Center II –…
Thanks to everyone who's called, texted, messaged, etc us regarding the incident from last evening (posted below). We're grateful that our landscaper (Joe Lauritano Landscapers in Clifton NJ) were able to get a crane and…
Incident at Newman II – May 21, 2015
I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall be always in my mouth Psalm 34:1Last night, a few hours after Commencement exercises concluded at Montclair State University, we had a substantial tree…
Hi everyone, here’s my homily for the 7th SUNDAY OF EASTER (out here in the North East of the United States, we still celebrate Ascension Thursday on Ascension Thursday :) ) – MAY 17, 2015.…
Hi everyone – Here’s my homily for MAY 10, 2015 - 6th SUNDAY OF EASTER. The readings for today can be found at http://usccb.org/bible/readings/051015.cfm Thanks as always for reading - and for sharing this blog…
Mom and I after my Ordination to the PriesthoodRecently, I came across this beautiful quote from Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty, a former Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary. As I give thanks to God, for my Mom, especially…
Remember one thing: GROW
Hi everyone! - Here's my homily for the FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER- MAY 3, 2015 - which is also our 8th Annual "Senior Send-Off" Celebration (sort of a "Baccalaureate Mass for our graduates and those…