Quick commercial… Newman Catholic at Montclair State is ending celebrating our 50th Anniversary of the Opening of the Newman Center. We’re trying to raise $25,000 for the establishment of a scholarship in honor of one of our previous chaplains, Fr. Art Humphrey, as well as to support our ongoing mission and ministry to the Montclair State University community. If you’re interested, please check out: http://www.msunewman.com/50th-ann-appeal for more information and a link to donate on line. Thank You!
If today’s scripture readings could be summed up in three words – they could be DON’T GIVE UP.
In this case, the people who don’t want to hear what the prophet has to say (and in effect, what the Lord wants to say) is a person – and a very powerful person – Queen Jezebel. One of the reasons the name Jezebel has negative connotations is because of this episode. She is so ticked off at Elijah that she’s sends murderous henchmen out to take him out once and for all. So Elijah’s on the run for his life. He finally comes to this desert, finds this tree and as he is catching his breath for a moment what does he pray: