“Fake News” – how often have you come across it? Been duped by it? Maybe it was that friend of yours who had posted an article on their facebook page that you liked and shared; or it was that email from your Uncle of a story that had in big bold (and all capital letters) THIS IS 100% TRUE – EMAIL IT TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS.
That’s an even greater question when it comes to matters of Faith… What we believe. And we probably couldn’t find a more difficult or divisive issue for all Christians than what we celebrate in today’s Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Well to be even more precise – that’s something we celebrate every time we come to Mass… That’s something we encounter every time we enter the Church and see that candle burning in front of that tabernacle… That the bread, the wine at Mass becomes Jesus’ real Body and real Blood. That Jesus is as real and present to us in the Eucharist as he was walking along the Sea of Galilee, or when he first uttered the Beatitudes to His first listeners. This is real News and it’s profoundly great news that the Catholic Church has consistently proclaimed and that all Christians believed until the Protestant Reformation over 500 years ago. That’s not to attack our separated brothers and sisters in Christ though.
2,000 years ago, Jesus makes that celebration of the Passover seder as the night where he institutes the Priesthood and the Eucharist at his Last Supper before His Passion and Crucifixion. He offers us the greatest and most definitive proof that He means all that He says, as we heard in the reading today from the Letter to the Hebrews “Christ came as high priest…with His own blood.” –