In the next week, you’re going to see television stations pre-empt all their normal programming and do wall-to-wall coverage. And more than likely, you’re going to see crowds BIG CROWDS from place to place as Pope Francis comes. Here in the same country where every day we’re reminded that the number of Catholics leaving the faith — the number of Christians and people who’ve stopped going to any Church at all is on the rise; where a greater number of people seem to take great offense at the mere mention of God in public discourse… yes in this land which has been described as entering a “Post—Christian era” all of this is about to take place.
That freshness — coming from a 78 year old man — we can’t help but see as the Holy Spirit working as he often does. Unleashing God’s ever ancient, ever new love on this world — and for you and I. And so let us simply say WELCOME POPE FRANCIS and COME HOLY SPIRIT, RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH!