So – 23 hours, 930 some odd miles… months of fundraising, planning, preparing and the MSU crew, along with our friends from Ramapo, Kean, Stevens, Farleigh Dickinson, Drew and Felician College — some 100 strong (over 60 from Montclair) just pulled into Orlando Florida for 5 days 4 nights of SEEK 2013.
A friend of mine emailed me and said – But what is it? I guess I forget that not everyone knows what this is all about.
SEEK is a conference sponsored by FOCUS (The Felloship of Catholic University Students) where college students from around the country — this year 6000 strong — all come together for 5 days and 4 nights for a major gathering. There are huge liturgies, confessions offered all the time, talks, concerts, entertainment. This year’s theme WHAT MOVES YOU – is based on Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. As Curtis Martin, President and Founder of FOCUS explains it Together we are SEEKing to discover who we are, where we are going and what motivates us. Every one of us is here for a different reason. Our circumstances and relationships with our Lord are not the same, and His message is always very personal and specific to each of us.
Pray for each of us that we may have hearts and minds open to hearing that message – knowing that we are praying for our campuses, our families and supporters in a very intentional way.
Keep checking here, I’ll try to post updates as I can. (and thanks for all the prayers for a safe journey here… it wasn’t pretty… not by a long shot… but we made it π )