This past Wednesday, the NEWMAN CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY at MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY had a historic moment.
Newman Catholic is a pastoral outreach of the Archdiocese of Newark, but is also recognized and chartered by the Student Government Association of Montclair State University as one of their official student organizations – which entitles them to different rights, privileges and funds for programming. The SGA has 5 levels or “Classes” for the hundreds of organizations at MSU.
In 5 years, the students at Newman have moved from a Class III organization to this week receiving the recognition as a Class I organization. As the Chaplain here, I’m so proud of the students. Many of their peers are often described as apathetic or unmotivated. To see how on fire they are – that they “get” that it’s not just about being a Club or an organization but about bearing witness to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church that he founded on this secular campus — and that they have “gotten” that notion consistently over the years like this to be recognized by their peers in this way, it’s a real joy for all of us. This is a video montage looking at the last 5 years as they went from Class III to Class I.
NEXT SUNDAY – APRIL 22 we will have a MASS OF THANKSGIVING at 8:30 PM which we’ve invited our alumni and members of the University to join us to celebrate and give Thanks to God for all the blessings and success we’ve been able to accomplish, knowing that it’s because of Him and for Him that we do what we do.