It’s hard to believe this is the last day in Rome. Today was another whirlwind of a day. First I got to celebrate our final mass of the Pilgrimage at the “Popes Cathedral” – St John Lateran which is the Cathedral of the Diocese Of Rome. The Mass was in a chapel adjacent to relics of the Last Supper. After that we participated in a devotional of climbing “La Scala Sacra” — the Sacred Stairs where Jesus was sentenced to die by Pilate. (the stairs were brought from Jerusalem by St Helena in the 4th Century) you “climb” them on your knees – the perfect Frida, Lenten devotional. After that we saw the Church with relics of the Passion of Jesus Christ.
Ran to the Vatican to say hello to a friend, Msgr Tom Powers, who works in the Congregation of Bishops Office. Followed by an almost 4 hour tour ( walking 3 miles) through the Vatican Mueseum which we were flying through just to get a taste of it all. The last stop on that visit was to take in the Sistine Chapel.
Can’t begin to do all that justice. Here’s a few pics before I take a power nap before the evening events.