December 1, 2o1o
Dear Friends and Parents of Newman Catholic Students:
One of my all time favorite Christmas Carols, In the bleak mid-winter played in the background the other day. I am not ashamed to admit that I have gotten misty eyed at this carol more than any other. But something hit me in a different way just thinking about the young men and women of Newman Catholic here at MSU as I listened to the final verse which is especially beautiful:
What can I give him, poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb.
If I were a wise man I would do my part.
Yet what I can, I give Him — Give my heart.
In so many ways, I am constantly humbled and inspired to see our students illustrating that by how they are striving to give their hearts to Jesus Christ in countless ways every day. Maybe it’s the student who quietly slips into the chapel in between classes to reflect on their life and think about what God is calling them to be. Or watching the student who invites one of their friends to join them at one of the 10 weekly Bible studies offered by our FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) missionaries. Or the student who wakes up early on a Saturday morning (parents of college students realize what a sacrifice that is!) to volunteer at a local food bank supplying food to needy families.
What they can, they give Him… their hearts. It is humbling for me to witness their examples and ask myself if I am giving all that I can give to Him as I serve them. That’s just one way I often feel I receive more than I give to them.
I am so grateful for all of the support of so many friends and benefactors who assist us with their prayers, their encouragement and their financial support that enables us to continue our mission to help students grow in their Catholic-Christian faith through spiritual, social and community outreach activities. It has been the generosity of so many that has enabled us to create a beautiful chapel; upgrade and expand our facilities making the center even more homey and inviting for students (they’re here all the time!) These donations also allow us to make sure that any student can attend/participate in any activity we sponsor whether they can personally afford to or not, those few times there are expenses (such as our annual retreat) .
With your help once again, we will be able to continue to encourage our students to simply come, give Him what they can – the most valuable and important thing they have – their hearts.
Merry Christmas & My promise of prayers to you and yours!
Father Jim Chern,
Chaplain & Director
For those who would like to make a donation, please make a check out to Newman Catholic Campus Ministry and send to Newman Catholic Center; 894 Valley Road; Montclair, NJ 07043